Silan Sensitive & Baby fabric softener 900 ml
Silan fabric softener with a new formula of fragrance microcapsules. Provides freshness and fragrance
fabrics after storage in the wardrobe for up to 140 days. Innovative fragrance microcapsules burst in
as a result of friction when wearing clothes and release the smell of fresh laundry. This way every day
you can enjoy the unique smell of freshness. Environmentally friendly packaging
- Subtle and Delicate Fragrance
- Suitable for Sensitive Skin
- Dermatologically tested
- ECARF recommendation
- Concentrate
- Recommended for allergy sufferers, children's clothes and for all people with sensitive skin.
The Silan bottle is 100% recyclable.
5-15% cationos felületaktiv anyagok / cationic surfactants
cationtové povrchové aktivní látky / kationske površinski aktivne tvari / Katíoi Mv Marеpии
surfactanți cationici / kationske površinsko aktivne /
The product has been tested by ECARF, the European Center for Allergy Research Foundation , which
confirmed that the product is hypoallergenic and is perfect for use by people with a tendency to
to the formation of allergic reactions, with extremely sensitive skin, and for children.