Nature Queen Plum seed oil 50ml
Nature Queen Plum seed oil 50ml
It has a characteristic smell of ripe fruit, reminiscent of the smell of marzipan.
Moisturizes and rebuilds damaged epidermis, soothes and relieves dry and irritated skin -
rebuilds split hair ends and brittle nails, reduces imperfections,
protects against water loss and external factors, including air conditioning, nourishes the skin,
accelerates the healing process, prevents peeling and inflammation, firms and relaxes the skin.
All skin types, especially dry skin prone to irritation.
How to use:
For delicate skin, apply to moist, cleansed face and body skin. In the case of complexion
oily skin, the best way is to use the oil in dilution, e.g. by enriching your own
care cosmetics.
Prunus Domestica (Plum) Seed Oil
Nature Queen Sp. z o. o. Św. Wawrzynca 34 Poznań
Polish product