Laq Shots! Siki Weronika shower gel 500 ml
Laq Shots! Siki Weronika shower gel 500 ml
We can laugh (not only) at ourselves. And besides, we make quite good cosmetics.
Lura is like a third tea from the same bag from a Poznań man, filled to the brim to add sugar
it didn't fit. Baptized like fuel for cepeens in the Polish People's Republic. Watered down like a drink in
nightclub served by ladies with umbrellas. As luxurious as driving through a crowded road
bimbo on a hot day. About the beautiful golden color of cold Leszek. Almost as good
like pyry z gzik. Divine as Saint Marcin and his croissant. Fragrance: Violets in the morning on an empty stomach.
The Lord of Faith claims that it is worth Poznań after all.
How to use :
Apply to wet skin and wash off. Even if you want to, don't drink.
Avoid the eye area. There is no need to filter it through a loaf of bread.