La Riche Directions Rose Red 100 ml
La Riche Directions are fully washable hair toners in extremely original and very intense colors. Semi-permanent dye works best on bleached hair and will provide a strong color for up to 10 washes. one
the package is enough to color shoulder-length hair.
Among the La Riche Directions toners you will find over 30 crazy and vibrant colors: from yellows, through oranges and reds, to majestic greens, blues and purples. Everyone will find their dream color! And if you are looking for something else - no problem! These British toners can be mixed together to create a unique and personalized shade tailored specifically to your temperament. If you are looking for more pastel tones, you can mix the selected product with a white toner.
La Riche Directions color toners are an ideal proposition for people who are not afraid to express themselves through their appearance or for use on special occasions. It is difficult to pass by indifferently to the hairstyle obtained with La Riche toner. In addition, these cosmetics do not contain oxidants and do not damage the hair.
Before coloring with La Riche Directions toners, the manufacturer recommends washing the hair with a pH-balanced shampoo to open the hair cuticles and get a better result when dyeing.
1. Put on protective gloves before applying paint.
2. Be careful not to let the paint get into your eyes and mouth.
3. Do not mix the product with hydrogen peroxide.
4. Do not use paint on eyebrows and eyelashes.
5. Before applying the paint, do not wash your hair with shampoo with conditioner.
5. For a better effect, it is recommended to soften the hair before applying the paint, which will allow the paint to be absorbed better.
2. You can mix toners to create your own dream shade.
1. Wash your hair with a PH-neutral shampoo (absolutely without the addition of conditioner, so that the pigment can penetrate inside).
2. Dry your hair with a towel.
3. Apply the right amount of paint with a brush.
4. Comb through the strands until foaming (this is very important because this is when the pigment is activated). Lighter shades may require longer brushing.
5. Leave the toner on the hair for 15-30 minutes.
6. After getting the desired effect, wash your hair with warm water.